
Hoppscotch Cloud

Hoppscotch Cloud is our hosted API development and testing platform that allows you to share your APIs with your team with ease. No need to worry about hosting, scaling, and maintenance. Hoppscotch Cloud is built for individuals and teams.

Get started for free on Hoppscotch Cloud

Hoppscotch Self-Host

For full data ownership and control over your API development and testing, you can self-host Hoppscotch on your infrastructure.

Hoppscotch Enterprise Edition is available for on-premise deployment with priority support. Contact Hoppscotch Support


Hoppscotch Web App

The easiest way to get started with Hoppscotch is with our hosted cloud plan. Get unlimited collections with no limits and all of our features are built for individuals and teams.

Open Hoppscotch Web App

Hoppscotch Desktop App

Hoppscotch Desktop App is a cross-platform desktop application built with Tauri and Hoppscotch Web Client. It is a standalone version of Hoppscotch that can be installed on your computer and used without a browser. Hoppscotch Desktop App is available for Mac, Windows and Linux.

Download Hoppscotch Desktop App

Hoppscotch CLI

Hoppscotch CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to run Hoppscotch on your terminal and CI/CD pipelines.

Install Hoppscotch CLI