The Admin Dashboard serves as the central hub for managing your workspaces and user-related activities. From here, you can efficiently oversee and control various aspects of your platform.

  • Insights Dashboard: Gain valuable insights into platform usage.
  • Manage Users: Handle user-related actions, such as inviting, elevating admins, and deleting users.
  • Manage Workspaces: Create, edit, and delete workspaces while managing workspace-specific details and user memberships.


The Dashboard section provides an overview of essential metrics and statistics regarding users, workspaces, and activity. This snapshot allows you to track the usage and performance of your platform.

Get insights into your organization’s usage of Hoppscotch.

  • Number of Users: Monitor the count of registered users.
  • Number of Workspaces: Keep track of the total number of workspaces.
  • Number of Requests: Measure the volume of requests made by your organization.
  • Number of Collections: Track the quantity of collections within the platform.

Manage users

The Users section empowers you to effectively control user-related actions. It streamlines the process of user management, making it simple to oversee the user base.

In Hoppscotch community edition, any user can create an account and use the platform.
  • User List: View a comprehensive list of all users on your platform.
  • Invite Users: Send invitations to new users, welcoming them to the platform.
  • Admin Privileges: Elevate users to administrative roles for increased permissions.
  • User Deletion: Delete users when necessary.

APIs for User Management

The RESTful APIs designed for User Management enable admins to perform a wide range of user-related actions, such as inviting new users, deleting existing ones, and updating user details. These APIs provide admins with the ability to efficiently manage user accounts and permissions. The table below introduces eight key APIs that empower admins with greater control over user management.

User ActivityDescriptionMethodEndpoint
Invite a New UserAllows admins to invite a new user to the instance.POST<base-url>/v1/infra/user-invitations
View Pending InvitesRetrieves a list of all pending invites sent to new users.GET<base-url>/v1/infra/user-invitations
Delete Pending InvitesEnables admins to delete specific pending invites using their Email ID.DELETE<base-url>/v1/infra/user-invitations
View All UsersProvides a list of all users in the instance.GET<base-url>/v1/infra/users
View a Particular UserFetches details of a specific user in the instance by their User ID.GET<base-url>/v1/infra/users/{uid}
Delete an existing UserEnables admins to delete an existing user from the instance by their User ID.DELETE<base-url>/v1/infra/users/{uid}
Update User DetailsAllows admins to update the details of an existing user.PATCH<base-url>/v1/infra/users/{uid}
Manage Admin StatusEnables admins to add or remove admin status for an existing user.PATCH<base-url>/v1/infra/users/{uid}/admin-status
To view the User Management API specifications, please visit our Swagger Documentation.


InfraTokens are special UUID tokens that provide a secure way for admins to interface with Self-Hosted APIs. They are exclusively accessible to admins, ensuring that only authorized personnel can manage sensitive operations. Unlike Personal Access Tokens, which are tied to individual users, InfraTokens are scoped at the instance level, granting access to all admins within the instance.

Steps to Generate an InfraToken

Follow these steps to create a new InfraToken:

  1. After logging into your Self-Hosted instance using your admin credentials, you can access the “Tokens” under the “Settings” section from your admin dashboard.
  2. Click on “Generate New InfraToken.”
  3. Enter a title for the token and select an expiration date. Available options include 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or no expiry.
  4. After providing the necessary details, confirm the creation. The new InfraToken will be displayed once, make sure to copy it securely to your clipboard for immediate use.
  5. If you decide that you no longer need the token, you can delete it by navigating back to “Tokens” section.
The details of the admin who created the InfraToken are stored for audit purposes. All admins can view and manage these tokens.

How to Use InfraTokens

InfraTokens are to be used as Bearer tokens. When making requests to the User Management APIs, include the InfraToken in the Authorization header as follows:

Bearer <Your_InfraToken>

Manage Workspaces

In the Manage Workspace section, you can efficiently handle workspace-related operations, ensuring that collaborations and projects run smoothly.

  • Workspace Creation: Establish new workspace tailored to specific projects or departments.
  • Workspace Editing: Modify workspace details and configurations as needed.
  • Workspace Deletion: Disband workspaces that are no longer relevant.
  • User Memberships: View and manage the users associated with each workspace.

Server Settings

In the Server Settings section, you have the ability to both view and edit the environment variables that were configured during the setup of your self-hosted instance.


  1. Configure Authentication Providers: Customize authentication providers, including Google, Microsoft, GitHub, and email, directly from the settings page.

  2. Configure SMTP Settings: Set up your SMTP settings for seamless email integration.

  3. Reset Configurations: If needed, reset your configurations back to their original state.

After making any configuration updates, be sure to save the changes. The server will automatically restart to apply the modifications.

Hard Reset Configurations

If you need to perform a hard reset of the server configurations, execute the following command in your terminal to reset all your environment variables:

docker exec -it <db_container_id> psql -d hoppscotch -c "TRUNCATE \"InfraConfig\";"

You can replace <db_container_id> with the actual ID of your Docker container.