Hoppscotch is a self-hosted API development platform, packaged as a set of Docker containers. You can install and run Hoppscotch on any operating system that can run a Docker Engine. You can use Hoppscotch on your local machine or a cloud provider of your choice.

Enterprise License Key

To start using Hoppscotch Enterprise, you will need to purchase a license from the Hoppscotch Enterprise Store. Once you have purchased a license, you will receive an email with the license key. You can also find the license key in your Hoppscotch Enterprise Dashboard.

System Requirements

Hoppscotch is designed to run well on both small and large deployments. The minimum requirements to run Hoppscotch are an operating system that supports Docker and 4 CPU cores + 4GB of RAM to generate the build image and as little as 1 CPU core + 2GB of RAM to host the generated output files.

Install Node.js, npm, pnpm

Node.js + npm

Install Node.js (v18+) and npm (v9+).

Verify Node.js and npm installation by running the following commands in your terminal:

node -v
npm -v


Install pnpm (v6+).

Verify pnpm installation by running the following command in your terminal:

pnpm -v


Install Docker (v20+).

Verify Docker installation by running the following command in your terminal:

docker -v

It is recommended to use Compose V2. To switch to Compose V2, use the docker compose CLI plugin or activate the Use Docker Compose V2 setting in Docker Desktop. For more information, see the Evolution of Compose.


Install Git (v2+).

Verify Git installation by running the following command in your terminal:

git --version

Email delivery

Hoppscotch comes with support for easy integrations with 3rd party SMTP providers. You will need emails so that you can invite your team to use Hoppscotch and for emails to work, you will need to set up proper SMTP configuration as described below.

To enable email delivery, you will need to generate a valid SMTP URL in the below format:


For example, if you are using Gmail as your SMTP server your SMTP URL will look like something shown below:


You can also use mailcatcher as a simple SMTP server.

Custom SMTP configuration

For more advanced needs, such as production-level email delivery or gaining more control over your email configurations, you can set up a custom SMTP server.

To enable the custom mailer configuration, in addition to setting the MAILER_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIGS to true, you’ll also need the following details in the specified format:

SMTP HostAddress of your SMTP serversmtp.customdomain.com
SMTP PortCommunication port used by your SMTP server587 for TLS or 465 for SSL
SMTP UserUsername for your SMTP accountuser@customdomain.com
SMTP PasswordCorresponding password for your SMTP accountcustompass

You can use services like SendGrid, Amazon SES, or your own SMTP server to set up custom email delivery with Hoppscotch.

Postgres database

Hoppscotch uses a Postgres database to store all the data. You can use any Postgres database provider of your choice - hosted locally or on a cloud provider. Make sure you have a valid Postgres database URL in the below format:



Hoppscotch uses ClickHouse to store all audit logs. You can use a locally hosted ClickHouse instance via Docker or a managed instance. Ensure that the values for the following environment variables are assigned properly.

#ClickHouse Config
ALLOW_AUDIT_LOGS=false # set to true to enable audit logging

You can disable audit logging from your instance of Hoppscotch by setting the ALLOW_AUDIT_LOGS environment variable to false. You can read more about audit logs here.


You also need to configure an OAuth provider to enable third-party authentication. Hoppscotch supports the following OAuth providers:

  1. Email
  2. GitHub
  3. Google
  4. Microsoft
  6. Open ID Connect

Choosing OAuth Providers

Hoppscotch provides you with the ability to choose which authentication providers you want to use in the app. You can do this by specifying the required providers in the environment variable


Configuring SAML

You may use services like OneLogin or Okta or other services to fetch the following parameters for SAML.


Configuring OpenID Connect

You may use services like OneLogin or Okta or other services to fetch the following parameters for OIDC.

OIDC_SCOPE=openid profile email

Configuring third-party providers

To configure the third-party authentication, you will need to generate a valid OAuth client ID and client secret for the OAuth provider of your choice. You will also need to provide a valid callback URL for the OAuth provider.

For example, if you are using GitHub as your OAuth provider, you will need to generate a valid OAuth client ID and client secret for GitHub. You will also need to provide a valid callback URL for GitHub. The environment variables for the GitHub OAuth provider will look like something shown below:


# Set to 'true' if you are using github enterprise

# Change domain to respective org domain, if using Github Enterprise Cloud use github.com as domain

# If using Github Enterprise Cloud use api.github.com as domain for 2 fields below

The CALLBACK_URL variable is the URL that is invoked after the authorization is done and it follows the pattern http://localhost:3170/v1/auth/[auth_provider_name]/callback.

The SCOPE variable defines the scope of the data that the OAuth provider passes on to Hoppscotch.

The links to configure OAuth for various providers are given below:

  1. GitHub (scope: email)
  2. Google (scope: email, profile)
  3. Microsoft (scope: user with read permission)
It is recommended that you secure your deployments by issuing TLS certificates and using HTTPS since we use secure HTTP cookies for authenticating users.

Support for standard HTTP/s ports

From the December 2023 release onwards containers now support ingress via standard HTTP/S ports on port 80 and 443 by default, moving forward it is recommended users switch to using these ports. We currently do still support the services being exposed from ports 3000, 3100 and 3170 respectively but support for this will be dropped in the future and all containers will work over standard HTTP/s ports.